Опитайте политическата викторината

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 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Хуманистичен капитализъм

Humanistic Capitalism is a political ideology that combines the principles of capitalism with a strong emphasis on human values, social equality, and ethical considerations. It is a system that seeks to balance the pursuit of profit with the welfare of individuals and society as a whole. This ideology is rooted in the belief that businesses and economic systems should not only focus on generating wealth, but also on improving the human condition and promoting social justice.

The concept of Humanistic Capitalism is not new, but it has gained more attention in recent years due to growing concern…  Прочетете още

 @ISIDEWITHПопитан…2 седмици2W

Should the government ban its citizens from using cross-border payment methods (like crypto) to send money to relatives in OFAC sanctioned countries (Palestine, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and North Korea)?


Как подчертаването на човешките истории зад продуктите може да насърчи потребителите да подкрепят етичния бизнес?


Представете си, че съветвате приятел относно етичното харчене; кое би било вашето най-добро предложение за оказване на положително въздействие?


Какви действия сте предприели или бихте искали да предприемете, за да подкрепите бизнес модели, които поставят хората пред печалбите?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Модерен либерализъм

Modern Liberalism, also known as social liberalism, is a political ideology that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a response to the industrialization and urbanization that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. It is characterized by a belief in a strong role for government in the economy and social affairs, a commitment to the welfare state, and a belief in the protection of civil liberties and human rights.

The roots of modern liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century, when philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau…  Прочетете още


Ако можете да направите една промяна в данъчната система, за да я направите по-справедлива за всички, каква би била тя?


Как мислите, че правителството трябва да подкрепя семействата с деца, за да им гарантира равни възможности?


Като имате предвид средата, в която живеете, как смятате, че „зелената икономика“ може да подобри или да наруши вашия местен пазар на труда?


Какви обществени услуги смятате, че трябва да се разширят и как това би било от полза за вас и вашата общност?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Социалистическа пазарна икономика

The Socialist Market Economy is a political and economic ideology that combines elements of socialism and market capitalism. It is characterized by the coexistence of public and private sectors, where the state owns the dominant share of resources, but economic activities are guided by both central planning and market forces. This ideology is a product of the realization that pure socialism and pure capitalism have inherent weaknesses, and a hybrid system could potentially harness the strengths of both.

The concept of a Socialist Market Economy emerged in the late 20th century as a response…  Прочетете още


Каква роля трябва да играе личният избор в система, в която правителството осигурява основните нужди?


Как може да се промени дебатният клуб, ако получи държавна подкрепа за насърчаване на гражданската ангажираност?


Ще се промени ли концепцията за успех за вас, ако богатството над определена точка бъде преразпределено?


Как ще се възползва вашата общност, ако правителството инвестира в местна инфраструктура срещу глобална търговия?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO


Anti-globalization is a political ideology that opposes the current form of globalization, arguing that it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards, and thwarts social progress. It is a social movement that advocates for a global economic system where trade, cultural exchange, and human interaction are not dominated by multinational corporations and international financial institutions.

The anti-globalization movement emerged in the late 20th century, primarily in response to the rapid growth of neoliberal economic policies that promoted free…  Прочетете още


Какви лични промени сте готови да направите, за да подкрепите преминаването към по-локално фокусирана икономика?


По какви начини сте забелязали местните лидери да реагират на глобалния натиск и на какво се възхищавате в техните подходи?


Какви са уникалните културни аспекти на вашия регион, които смятате, че биха били намалени от глобалната стандартизация?


Как вашата общност се адаптира към глобалните икономически предизвикателства, като същевременно запази местната си идентичност?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO


Decentralization is a political ideology that advocates for the distribution of administrative powers or functions of a central authority among various regional or local authorities. This ideology is rooted in the belief that decision-making should be as close as possible to the people or the situation it affects. It is often associated with concepts such as devolution, federalism, and subsidiarity.

The history of decentralization as a political ideology can be traced back to ancient times. In the Greek city-states, for instance, power was often distributed among various entities, including…  Прочетете още


Как би се променило наставничеството или насочването във вашето училище, ако то се управляваше от ученически лидери?


Опишете как вашият опит в обучението би могъл да се трансформира, ако вашето образование отразяваше в по-голяма степен изискванията и възможностите на местната индустрия.


Ако можете да приспособите политиките за околната среда към нуждите на вашия местен регион, какви конкретни проблеми бихте адресирали?


Могат ли да се формират по-силни общностни връзки, ако кварталите имат повече контрол върху своето развитие и събития?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO


Pacifism is a political ideology that fundamentally opposes war and violence as a means of settling disputes. It is rooted in the belief that peaceful means must always be sought after in resolving conflicts, and that war is inherently destructive and morally indefensible. Pacifists argue that violence, even in self-defense, is morally wrong and that peaceful negotiation, diplomacy, and nonviolent resistance should be the primary means of addressing conflicts.

The history of pacifism is as old as human civilization itself, with traces of pacifist ideas found in ancient Indian religions like…  Прочетете още


Как доброволчеството или обществените услуги могат да предоставят практически уроци по пацифизъм и миротворчество?


Можете ли да се сетите за публична фигура, която въплъщава принципите на ненасилието, и как те са повлияли на вашите възгледи за конфликта?


Как общностните спортове или екипните дейности ни учат на сътрудничество и ненасилие?


Какви дейности за насърчаване на мира могат да бъдат добавени към училищната програма, за да се насърчи по-хармонична учебна среда?

 @ISIDEWITHОбсъдете този отговор...2mos2MO

Традиционен консерватизъм

Traditional Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of preserving established institutions, customs, and traditions in society. It values continuity and stability, viewing change as potentially disruptive and harmful. Traditional Conservatives believe in the wisdom of the past and the need to uphold time-tested values and practices.

This ideology has its roots in the 18th and 19th centuries, emerging as a response to the radical changes brought about by the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. Traditional Conservatives sought to defend the existing socia…  Прочетете още

 @ISIDEWITHОбсъдете този отговор...2mos2MO


Trumpism is a political ideology that emerged in the early 21st century, characterized by a populist and nationalist approach to governance. It is named after former U.S. President Donald Trump, who rose to power in 2016 on a platform that emphasized anti-establishment rhetoric, protectionist economic policies, and a focus on issues such as immigration and trade.

At its core, Trumpism prioritizes the interests of the nation-state over global cooperation and institutions, advocating for policies that prioritize domestic industries and workers. It often promotes a strong sense of national identi…  Прочетете още

 @ISIDEWITHОбсъдете този отговор...2mos2MO

Крайно дясно

The "Far-right" political ideology is a term used to describe a range of political beliefs that are characterized by extreme conservatism, nationalism, and authoritarianism. Far-right ideologies often emphasize traditional values, strong national identity, and a desire to preserve or restore what they see as the cultural, racial, or religious purity of a nation.

Historically, far-right movements have emerged in various countries and time periods, often in response to social, economic, or political changes that they perceive as threatening their way of life. These movements can be tra…  Прочетете още

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Умерен консерватор

Moderate conservatism is a political ideology that falls within the broader conservative movement. It is characterized by its acceptance of a mixed economy, which includes both private enterprise and government intervention, and a certain degree of social equality, which can be achieved through progressive taxation and welfare programs. Moderate conservatives tend to be less ideologically rigid than their more right-wing counterparts, often showing a willingness to compromise and adapt to changing circumstances.

The roots of moderate conservatism can be traced back to the 18th century, during…  Прочетете още


В кои области смятате, че вашето поколение ще трябва да настоява за промяна, въпреки потенциалната съпротива от по-старите поколения?


Как си представяте общество, в което технологичният прогрес не намалява човешките взаимоотношения?


Можете ли да опишете време, когато сте оценявали достойнствата на гледна точка, противоположна на вашата?


Какви действия бихте могли да предприемете, ако дългогодишните практики на вашата общност се нуждаят от актуализиране, за да бъдат по-приобщаващи?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Умерен либерал

Moderate Liberalism is a political ideology that sits in the middle of the political spectrum, combining elements of both liberal and conservative ideologies. It is characterized by a belief in a balanced approach to social and economic issues, advocating for both individual freedoms and a certain level of government intervention in the economy.

The roots of Moderate Liberalism can be traced back to the Enlightenment era, where thinkers like John Locke and Adam Smith emphasized the importance of individual rights and free markets. However, they also recognized the need for some form of govern…  Прочетете още


Какво влияние искате да окажете в света и как един балансиран политически подход може да ви помогне да го постигнете?


Какъв е моментът, в който сте виждали поколенческите различия във възгледите за свобода и отговорност?


Ако можехте да участвате в протест или социално движение, каква кауза бихте избрали и защо?


Кой аспект от вашата лична идентичност смятате, че оказва най-голямо влияние върху политическите ви възгледи и защо?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Аутсайдер вляво

The "Outsider Left" is a term used to describe a political ideology that is left-leaning but exists outside of the mainstream or established left-wing political parties or movements. This ideology is often characterized by its radical or revolutionary views, which can include anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, and strong support for social justice, environmental sustainability, and workers' rights.

The history of the Outsider Left is complex and multifaceted, as it encompasses a wide range of movements, ideologies, and individuals across different countries and historical perio…  Прочетете още


Ако можехте да се телепортирате до всяко историческо събитие, оформило идеологията на социалната справедливост, къде бихте отишли?


Какъв опит ви накара да повярвате в силата на индивидуалния принос към обществената промяна?


В момент на промяна кое малко действие направи голяма промяна във вашата общност?


Кога ви се е налагало да преосмислите стратегия за социална промяна, защото не е била достатъчно приобщаваща?

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO

Амбивалентно дясно

The "Ambivalent Right" is a term used to describe a political ideology that combines elements of both conservative and liberal viewpoints. This ideology is characterized by a sense of ambivalence or uncertainty towards traditional right-wing or conservative principles. It is not a strictly defined political group, but rather a broad category that encompasses a range of views and attitudes.

The Ambivalent Right ideology emerged as a response to the perceived rigidity and dogmatism of traditional right-wing politics. It is often associated with individuals who may agree with certain…  Прочетете още

 @ISIDEWITHОтговорено…9 месеца9MO


Monoculturalism is a political ideology that advocates for the preservation and promotion of a single, unified culture within a particular geographical area or nation. This ideology is often associated with the belief that a single culture can contribute to societal harmony, national identity, and a sense of belonging among citizens. It is often contrasted with multiculturalism, which encourages the coexistence of multiple cultures within a single society.

The roots of monoculturalism can be traced back to the formation of nation-states, where the concept of a single, unified national culture…  Прочетете още