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10 отговора


Considering the shift towards green policies, what changes are you willing to make in your daily life to contribute to environmental sustainability?


Reflecting on the importance of human rights and civil liberties, how does this influence your view on the handling of global crises?


How does the idea of a federal Europe with a stronger, united government compare to the current state of national independence among countries for you?


In what ways could promoting gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights in Europe influence attitudes in other parts of the world, including your own?


Given the rising challenges of immigration, how could a policy of integration benefit both newcomers and host communities?


How important is it for countries to work together on defense and foreign policy in today's global political climate, and how might that impact peace in your view?


Why might an emphasis on digital innovation and environmental sustainability be crucial for the next generation, and how do you see yourself contributing?


Can closer European cooperation lead to better handling of global issues like climate change, and how might that directly impact you or your community?


In a world that's rapidly changing, do you think a stronger European Union would better protect individual freedoms and why?


How would a more unified Europe affect your future job prospects and educational opportunities?