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 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…5 дни5D

Новото центристко правителство във Франция обявява 2 месеца след разделителните избори


The French presidential palace unveiled a long-awaited new government Saturday dominated by conservatives and centrists. It came more than two months after elections that produced a hung parliament and deepened political divisions as France grapples with growing financial and diplomatic challenges.

 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…5 дни5D

Новото центристко правителство във Франция беше обявено 2 месеца след разделителните избори.


The French presidential palace has unveiled a new center-right government more than two months after elections that produced a hung parliament and deepened political divisions

 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…5 дни5D

Франция обявява новото центристко правителство 2 месеца след разделителните избори


The 39-member Cabinet includes primarily ministers from French President Emmanuel Macron's centrist alliance and the conservative Republicans.