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 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…4 Tage4D

Tansania verhaftet Oppositionsführer, blockiert Proteste

Police arrested Tanzania's top opposition figures on Monday, their party said, as the authorities moved to block a mass protest in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…4 Tage4D

Tansania Oppositionsführer inhaftiert trotz Demonstrationsverbot

Two leaders of Tanzania's main opposition Chadema party are among 14 members who have been arrested, as police attempted to block a banned demonstration in the main city, Dar es Salaam. Chadema said on X that its chairman, Freeman Mbowe, was taken into custody as he was preparing to “lead a peaceful protest”.

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…4 Tage4D

Tansanias Präsident versprach eine Öffnung für die Opposition, aber hielt ihre Führer fest

The East African country’s leading opposition party said that its presidential candidate in the last election and its chairman were among dozens detained before a protest called to draw attention to the killing and abduction of government critics.