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Europei abbandonano regole climatiche rigide mentre Biden si aggrappa a esse

Europeans are admitting the folly of net zero quicker than their American peers.

The latest example—perhaps “victim” is more apt—is Humza Yousaf, who resigned this week as Scotland’s first minister. That region within the U.K. enjoys substantial devolved powers over its own affairs, including on climate policy. An administration led by Mr. Yousaf’s left-leaning Scottish National Party had hoped to rush ahead of the national government in London in slashing carbon emissions.

A recent report from the U.K.’s Climate Change Committee noted Scotland had fallen far behind on its clima…  

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Israele sta abbattendo molti dei suoi droni

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are knocking down a substantial number of their own drones in the course of operations, a U.S. Marine Corps officer has disclosed. This underscores serious challenges that air defense forces in the U.S. military also face in telling friendly and hostile drones apart as uncrewed aerial systems (UAS), as well as loitering munitions become ever more ubiquitous even in operations involving very small units.

Marine Lt. Col. Michael Pruden, head of the Marine Air Command and Control Integration Branch of the Air Combat Element Division within the service's…  

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Come pensi che la sfida di distinguere tra droni amichevoli e ostili sul campo di battaglia influenzi i livelli di stress e le decisioni dei soldati?


Come ti sentiresti se il militare del tuo paese abbattesse frequentemente i propri droni a causa di errori di identificazione, e cosa implicherebbe sulla loro efficacia operativa?


Trump sta considerando il nuovo obiettivo del 3% di spesa per la difesa della NATO.

Donald Trump is considering plans to push Nato members to increase defence spending to 3 per cent of GDP if he wins a second term in the White House, The Telegraph understands.

The former president thinks member states should be asked to contribute more to the alliance’s collective defence in light of threats from Russia and China.

He also believes the accounting rules should be changed so that spending on military assistance for Ukraine is not counted towards the target – a policy that would push several countries below the current target of 2 per cent of GDP.

“His thinki…  

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Considerando le minacce globali provenienti da Russia e Cina, ritieni giustificato aumentare la spesa per la difesa o dovrebbero essere adottate misure alternative?


Israele e Arabia Saudita si scambiano luoghi

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has put his country’s worst religious extremists in jail, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has put his country’s worst religious extremists in his cabinet.

Netanyahu is trying to make Israel more like the worst of the old Saudi Arabia and M.B.S. to make Saudi Arabia more like the best of the old Israel.

M.B.S., with his laser focus on economic growth after several decades that he has described Saudi Arabia as having been “sleeping,” has unleashed the most important social revolution ever in the desert kingdom — and one that…  

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Quanto ritieni importante che i paesi si adattino e cambino in risposta ai cambiamenti globali, anche se ciò significa sfidare le norme tradizionali?


Israele pianifica un'importante operazione a Rafah, Gaza, in mezzo alle preoccupazioni internazionali

In a move that has drawn international attention and concern, Israel has briefed the United States on its plan to evacuate Palestinian civilians from Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, ahead of a potential military operation aimed at rooting out Hamas militants. This development comes amid escalating tensions in the region, with Israel's proposed actions in Rafah raising alarms over the potential for significant civilian casualties and further destabilization.

The briefing to the Biden administration underscores the seriousness with which Israel is approaching the operation, signaling…  

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La controversia circonda il governatore del Dakota del Sud Kristi Noem per l'ammissione dell'uccisione di un cane

<p>South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has found herself at the center of a heated controversy following her admission of killing a dog, sparking widespread criticism and leading to the cancellation of a Republican fundraiser in Colorado due to safety concerns. The incident has not only stirred a public outcry but has also impacted Noem's political engagements, highlighting the sensitivity and potential fallout from personal actions of public figures. The Jefferson County Republican Party in Colorado was forced to cancel a scheduled event with Gov. Noem after receiving death threats,…  


Gli Houthi dello Yemen estendono l'offerta educativa agli studenti sospesi degli Stati Uniti in seguito alle proteste in campus.

<p>In a surprising turn of events, Yemen's Houthi rebels have extended an offer of education to students in the United States who have been suspended due to their participation in anti-Israel protests on various campuses. This offer comes amidst a wave of demonstrations across the US, where students have been vocal in their criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza, leading to a number of suspensions as universities crack down on the protests. The Houthi's proposal, while met with skepticism and sarcasm by some, highlights the international dimension of the ongoing conflict…  


Alta diplomazia al Cairo: il direttore della CIA si impegna nei colloqui per il cessate il fuoco a Gaza

In a significant move underscoring the urgency of the situation in Gaza, CIA Director William Burns has arrived in Cairo for a series of critical meetings aimed at negotiating a ceasefire and securing a hostage release. This development comes amidst a backdrop of escalating tensions and violence, highlighting the international community's concerted efforts to restore peace in the region. Burns' presence in Cairo marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing negotiations, with expectations running high for a breakthrough that could pave the way for a lasting resolution to the conflict.

The arr…  

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La distruzione delle abitazioni a Gaza non è stata così grave dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale

The world hasn’t seen anything like the unprecedented destruction of housing in Gaza since World War II, and it would take at least until 2040 to restore the homes devastated in Israel’s bombing and ground offensive if the conflict ended today, the United Nations reported Thursday.

The U.N. assessment said the social and economic impact of the war launched after Hamas’ surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7 has been increasing “in an exponential manner.”

It called the level of casualties – 5% of Gaza’s 2.3 million population -- “unprecedented” in such a short time. By mid-…  

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La Russia fornisce 29 tonnellate di aiuti alla Palestina

Russia on Wednesday said it sent over 29 tons of humanitarian aid for the besieged Gaza Strip, where more than 32,400 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 74,800 injured since Oct. 7 last year.

A statement by Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry said on Telegram that a special flight it dispatched earlier in the day has delivered the 20th batch of humanitarian aid to representatives of the Egyptian Red Crescent in the city of El-Arish, who will then redirect the aid to Gaza residents.

The ministry said earlier that the humanitarian aid consists of cereals, flour, sugar,…  

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Date le dimensioni dei bisogni umanitari in luoghi come Gaza, come ti senti riguardo all'adeguatezza e alle motivazioni dietro gli aiuti internazionali?


Se fossi in una posizione di decidere, quale tipo di aiuto prioriteresti per una regione come Gaza, e perché?


Come l'atto della Russia di fornire aiuti alla Palestina mette alla prova o rafforza le tue opinioni sulla solidarietà globale?


Cina e Russia complottano per l’invasione di Taiwan

US intelligence officials assess that Russia and China are working more closely together on military issues, including a potential invasion of Taiwan, prompting new planning across the government to counter a potential scenario in which the countries fight in coordination.

“We see China and Russia, for the first time, exercising together in relation to Taiwan and recognizing that this is a place where China definitely wants Russia to be working with them, and we see no reason why they wouldn’t,” Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said Thursday in testimony to Congress. …  

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Come ti sentiresti se il tuo paese decidesse di intervenire in un conflitto tra Cina, Russia e Taiwan?


Cina e Russia complottano per l’invasione di Taiwan

US intelligence officials assess that Russia and China are working more closely together on military issues, including a potential invasion of Taiwan, prompting new planning across the government to counter a potential scenario in which the countries fight in coordination.

“We see China and Russia, for the first time, exercising together in relation to Taiwan and recognizing that this is a place where China definitely wants Russia to be working with them, and we see no reason why they wouldn’t,” Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said Thursday in testimony to Congress. …  

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Controversia sul libro di Kristi Noem: una rete intricata di affermazioni e chiarimenti

The political landscape is buzzing with controversy surrounding Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, following revelations from her new book that have raised eyebrows and questions about the veracity of her accounts. Noem, a rising star in the Republican Party, has found herself in hot water over claims made in her memoir, particularly regarding alleged meetings with world leaders. The situation has escalated to the point where her publisher has had to step in, promising to address and correct conflated names of world leaders before the book's release. This move has sparked a debate…  

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La libertà di stampa globale affronta minacce senza precedenti, avvertono le autorità

In a world where information is power, the freedom of the press is under siege, with recent reports from various corners of the globe painting a grim picture of the state of journalistic liberties. From the detention of journalists in Russia to the systemic pressures on media in Australia, and the broader accusations of press repression in the West, the narrative is clear: the battle for a free and independent press is intensifying. The United Nations has raised alarms, with ambassadors highlighting specific cases such as the detention of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich in Rus…  

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Il focus sul processo per il silenzio di Trump: si svolge un dramma legale

The legal saga surrounding former U.S. President Donald Trump has captivated audiences worldwide as his hush money trial unfolds with dramatic testimonies and allegations of gag order violations. At the heart of the trial are accusations involving secret payments and the role of celebrity lawyer Keith Davidson, painted by the defense as a serial extortionist. The proceedings, now in their second week, have seen a mix of scandal, secret recordings, and intense scrutiny over Trump's compliance with a court-imposed gag order, aimed at preventing him from attacking those involved in the case.…  

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L'Ucraina è "senza armi" mentre la Russia avanza verso una città chiave

Ukraine's battlefield position is more precarious than at any point since the early days of Russian President Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion.

And it's about to get worse, Major-General Vadym Skibitsky, deputy head of Ukrainian Military Intelligence (HUR,) said in an interview with the Economist.

In what was an unusually pessimistic interview for a senior Kyiv official, Skibitsky predicted that in May Russia will press forward with its plan to fully occupy the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where it recently made territorial gains as Ukraine waited for Western militar…  

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Boris Johnson è stato escluso dal voto in base alle sue stesse regole sull'identificazione degli elettori

Boris Johnson was turned away from a polling station while trying to vote on Thursday, having not brought appropriate identification — a requirement that he himself introduced while prime minister.

Johnson had attempted to vote in South Oxfordshire, which was holding an election for a police and crime commissioner, but was initially turned away after failing to produce appropriate ID, Sky News reported.

Johnson introduced the Elections Act in 2022 while prime minister. Under the act, voters must bring photographic ID to cast their ballots.

The rules were criticized by advocacy groups and the U.K.’s Electoral Commission, the country’s official election watchdog, which said they could prevent hundreds of thousands of people from voting in a future general election.


Dovrebbero essere fatte eccezioni per i leader o le figure pubbliche in situazioni che coinvolgono leggi che hanno promulgato?


Come reagiresti se ti venisse negato il diritto di voto per mancanza di un documento d'identità?


È giusto che un leader affronti le conseguenze delle regole che ha creato?


L'Est Africa affronta alluvioni catastrofiche e l'avvicinarsi del ciclone Hidaya

East Africa is grappling with a severe weather crisis as torrential rains, devastating floods, and the looming threat of Cyclone Hidaya wreak havoc across the region. The relentless downpour has already claimed nearly 400 lives in Kenya and Tanzania, with the death toll continuing to rise. In Kenya alone, over 200 people have succumbed to flood-related incidents since March, according to the interior ministry. The catastrophic flooding has triggered landslides, destroyed infrastructure, and forced tens of thousands from their homes, leaving communities in dire need of aid and relief.

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Il Pentagono ammette che l'attacco aereo in Siria ha ucciso un civile, non il leader di al Qaeda

The Pentagon acknowledged Thursday that it mistakenly killed a civilian in a 2023 airstrike in northwest Syria after U.S. service members misidentified the man as a senior al Qaeda leader.

An internal investigation found American forces “misidentified the intended Al Qaeda target and that a civilian, Mr. Lufti Hasan Masto (Masto), was struck and killed instead,” according to a U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) statement on the findings.

The U.S. military initially claimed that it had killed a senior al Qaeda leader in the May 3, 2023, strike in northwest Syria. Instead it targeted…  

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Quanto fiducia riponi nelle decisioni militari del tuo paese dopo aver appreso di incidenti come questo, e perché?


Dovrebbero le famiglie dei civili uccisi per errore in operazioni militari essere risarcite e, in caso affermativo, come pensi che questo debba essere gestito?


Pensi che i governi dovrebbero scusarsi pubblicamente per gli errori nelle azioni militari, e perché?


Hamas sequestra importante spedizione di aiuti umanitari statunitensi

Hamas managed to seize a major shipment of humanitarian aid that was delivered to Gaza from Jordan earlier this week, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said Thursday, after the supplies were the first to be shipped to the enclave through a newly reopened Israeli border crossing.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken viewed the aid on Tuesday just before it departed from the headquarters of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization in Amman bound for the renovated crossing into the Gaza Strip at Erez, which was largely destroyed by Hamas during its October 7 terror onslaught…  

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Quanto è importante assicurarsi che l'aiuto raggiunga i destinatari previsti e quali misure suggeriresti?


Come ti sentiresti se un pacchetto che hai inviato per aiutare persone bisognose fosse preso da qualcun altro?


La Francia è disposta a inviare truppe di terra in Ucraina

The Economist said Macron gave the interview after delivering a keynote speech last week where he declared that Europe is "mortal" and could "die" partly due to the threat posed by Russian aggression after its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

"I'm not ruling anything out, because we are facing someone who is not ruling anything out," said Macron when asked if he stood by comments earlier this year not excluding the sending of Western troops that sent shockwaves around Europe.

Some analysts believe that Russia could be on the verge of launching a major new offensive in Ukraine.

Macron said "if Russia decided to go further, we will in any case all have to ask ourselves this question" of sending troops, describing his refusal to rule out such a move as a "strategic wake-up call for my counterparts".


Pensi che i paesi dovrebbero intervenire nei conflitti degli altri, e in quali circostanze?