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 @TheRightRonnie dalla Texas inviato…1wk1W

Biden ordina al criptomining cinese di vendere terreni vicino a una base militare statunitense

The White House has ordered a Chinese group that runs a crypto-mining operation in Wyoming to sell the land where it keeps its servers because the facility is next to a base that houses US nuclear ballistic missiles.

President Joe Biden ordered MineOne Partners and its partners to sell the land next to Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming within 120 days.

He said the British Virgin Islands group was majority owned by Chinese nationals and had not informed the US government about the sensitive transaction.

The US military deploys Minuteman III nuclear intercontinental ballis…  

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Cosa significa la natura globale della tecnologia e degli investimenti quando un'operazione di criptovaluta vicino a una base militare solleva preoccupazioni sulla sicurezza?


Come bilancerebbe la necessità di sicurezza nazionale con i diritti degli investitori stranieri?


Credi che un'azienda di proprietà di stranieri vicino a una base militare possa rappresentare una minaccia per la sicurezza nazionale, anche se si tratta solo di mining di criptovalute?


Dovrebbe il governo avere il potere di costringere un'azienda a vendere la sua proprietà se rappresenta un potenziale rischio per la sicurezza?


30 civili palestinesi muoiono nell'attacco aereo di Israele

More than 30 Palestinian civilians, most of them children, died in Israel's air strike on the Neseyrat refugee camp tonight.


Come pensi che la notizia del bombardamento aereo e il suo impatto sui civili influenzeranno l'opinione pubblica e il sentimento nei confronti delle parti coinvolte?


Considerando la perdita di vite umane nel campo profughi di Neseyrat, quale ruolo pensi che la comunità internazionale dovrebbe svolgere nella protezione dei civili?


In che modi pensi che i paesi dovrebbero essere ritenuti responsabili della perdita di vite civili durante le loro operazioni militari?


Se uno dei tuoi cari si trovasse in una situazione simile al campo profughi di Neseyrat, come potrebbe cambiare la tua prospettiva sui conflitti internazionali?


JD Vance difende Trump in mezzo al processo sul silenzio denaro, scatenando speculazioni sul vicepresidente

As the political landscape heats up with the 2024 presidential election on the horizon, JD Vance, Ohio Senator and a staunch ally of Donald Trump, has found himself at the center of VP speculation. Vance, who attended Trump's hush money trial, has openly criticized the proceedings, labeling them as 'psychological torture.' His presence and vocal defense of Trump during this critical time have fueled rumors that he might be on Trump's shortlist for a vice-presidential candidate.

Vance's criticisms were not just confined to the courtroom. Taking to social media platform X, formerly kno…  

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Nave cacciatorpediniere americana ha distrutto 65 obiettivi Houthi

Guided-missile destroyer USS Carney (DDG-64) returned from a historic deployment to the Middle East, the Navy offered new insights into the warship’s engagements with the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels.

Over the course of about six months on station in the Red Sea region, Carney’s crew destroyed 65 Houthi targets launched from Yemen and on the ground there, according to the Navy.

The Carney had “51 engagements” with the Houthis, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti, said during a speech welcoming the ship back to the U.S. last week.

The Navy release further stated…  

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Quali sono le implicazioni morali della distruzione di 65 obiettivi in un altro paese?


Si tratta di operazioni di polizia internazionali contro il terrorismo che andrebbero aumentate


Dovrebbe la comunità internazionale intervenire nei conflitti come quello tra gli Houthi e l'USS Carney?


20 medici americani intrappolati a Gaza

American doctors are trapped in Gaza as a result of Israel’s post-invasion closure of the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, according to sources with knowledge of the plight of two ill-fated medical missions.

Relatives of the doctors were told by the State Department that rescue efforts were underway, including through coordination with the United Nations and the Israel Defense Forces. Yet on Monday, the Israeli military fired on a United Nations vehicle that was traveling to the European Hospital in Khan Younis, near Rafah, killing a U.N. employee and injuring another.

The doct…  

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Quanto è importante per i medici internazionali assistere nelle zone di conflitto, nonostante i rischi per la propria vita?

 @L3gislatorLucy dalla Texas inviato…1wk1W

Ufficiale dell'esercito si dimette in segno di protesta per il sostegno degli Stati Uniti a Israele

An Army officer assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency has resigned in protest over the United States’ support for Israel, which he said had “enabled and empowered” the killing of Palestinian civilians.

The officer, Maj. Harrison Mann, announced his resignation and explained his reasons for leaving the service in a post on the social media site LinkedIn on Monday. According to his biography on the site, he has specialized in the Middle East and Africa for about half of his 13-year career and previously served at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis.

“The policy that has never been far…  

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Può l'azione di una persona che si dimette in segno di protesta portare a un cambiamento nella politica estera di un paese?


Il deputato di origine indiana Murali Pillai sale a un ruolo ministeriale nel governo di Singapore

In a significant political development in Singapore, Indian-origin Member of Parliament Murali Pillai has been appointed to a ministerial position in the new cabinet, marking a notable advancement in his political career. Murali Pillai, a seasoned politician, will take on the roles of Minister of State for Law and Transport starting July 1, as part of the cabinet reshuffle under Singapore's incoming Prime Minister Lawrence Wong. This appointment is seen as a testament to Pillai's contributions and capabilities within the political landscape of Singapore.

Pillai's elevation to a minist…  

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 @TariffOatmeal dalla California inviato…1wk1W

Il presidente russo Putin sostituisce il ministro della Difesa dopo i fallimenti nella guerra in Ucraina

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday replaced his defense minister Sergei Shoigu, a longtime ally, nominating an economist to take his place in the most substantial shake-up to the military’s command structure since Moscow launched its war on Ukraine in February 2022.

In a decree published Sunday, Putin nominated Andrei Belousov, a former deputy prime minister who specializes in economics to replace Shoigu, who in turn was named as the new secretary of the Security Council, a post until now held by Nikolai Patrushev.

The elevation of an economist to lead Russia’s defense…  

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La gaffe di Trump al comizio scatena una frenesia su Internet: confonde Jimmy Carter con Jimmy Connors

In a moment that quickly became fodder for internet memes and late-night talk show monologues, former President Donald Trump made a notable gaffe at a recent rally, confusing former U.S. President Jimmy Carter with legendary tennis player Jimmy Connors. The slip-up occurred as Trump attempted to criticize current President Joe Biden, but instead left the audience and later, the internet, buzzing with reactions. This mix-up has not only highlighted Trump's occasional lapses in speech but has also ignited a flurry of commentary across social media platforms, with users and pundits alike weigh…  

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 @PonySiddalla Maine inviato…1wk1W

All’interno di Israele, è una guerra molto diversa

There are few images of Gaza casualties on Israeli TV, widening the gulf in perspective between Israel and the outside world.

Every evening on TV news, Israelis get the latest on the Gaza war—cease-fire and hostage talks, Israeli military casualties, battlefield analysis and coverage of the Oct. 7 attacks by Islamist militant group Hamas that sparked the conflict.

One thing that is almost always missing: the people of Gaza.

Israel is watching one war unfold in Gaza, while much of the rest of the world is seeing a different one, with footage of the destruction caused by…  

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Come pensi che vedere o non vedere immagini delle vittime a Gaza influenzi la possibilità di comprensione e pace tra le parti in conflitto?


Il bombardamento della Russia in Ucraina è più letale che mai

Ukraine is shooting down a far smaller proportion of Russian missile attacks than it was earlier in the war.

The worsening performance of Ukraine’s air defenses comes as Russia increases drone and missile attacks, and fires more harder-to-hit weapons, such as ballistic missiles. Kyiv is also running low on ammunition for the Western-supplied Patriot systems that have been its best defense against such attacks.

In the past six months, Ukraine intercepted around 46% of Russian missiles, compared with 73% in the preceding six-month period, according to a Wall Street Journal analysi…  

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Come ti sentiresti se la tua città fosse costantemente minacciata da attacchi missilistici e avesse mezzi limitati per difendersi?


Il senatore statunitense esorta Israele a bombardare Gaza come Hiroshima

Israel must do whatever needs to be done to win its “existential” war with Hamas, just like the US was “justified” to drop nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) has claimed.

The Israeli military is facing increasing international scrutiny as its military operation in Gaza enters its eighth month, claiming the lives of more than 34,000 Palestinians. However, Graham argued in an interview with NBC News on Sunday that Hamas is to blame for the bulk of civilian casualties, and urged Israel to continue…  

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Quanto peso dovrebbe avere la sorveglianza internazionale sulle decisioni di un paese di utilizzare forze militari severe in situazioni di conflitto?


Come ti senti riguardo al confronto della situazione a Gaza con scenari della Seconda Guerra Mondiale per giustificare azioni militari estreme?



L’Iran afferma di possedere armi nucleari

An Iranian lawmaker, Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani, has claimed that the country owns atomic weapons. The development came on Friday, May 11, after the director of UN watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, issued an alert on May 6 that Iran has sufficient uranium to produce "several" nuclear bombs.

The Iranian lawmaker Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani, who was re-elected to Iran’s quasi-parliament in March, said, “In my opinion, we have achieved nuclear weapons, but we do not announce it," reported Iran-based news outlet Rouydad 24.

Ardestani, who was…  

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Soldato americano arrestato in Russia in mezzo alle tensioni

In a developing story that has caught the attention of international observers, a US soldier has been detained in Russia, sparking concerns and diplomatic efforts for his release. The soldier, whose identity has not been disclosed, was detained last week in Vladivostok, Russia, on charges of criminal misconduct, according to statements from the US Army and the National Security Council. This incident has added a new layer of complexity to the already strained relations between the United States and Russia.

The circumstances surrounding the detention are still emerging, but reports sug…  

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 @CockyHeron dalla Pennsylvania inviato…1wk1W

L'ONU sembra dimezzare la stima delle donne e dei bambini di Gaza uccisi

The United Nations seemingly halved the estimated number of women and children killed in Gaza, according to UN data published on May 6 and 8.

The UN published the number of fatalities reported by the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health. The Government Media Office in Gaza and Israeli authorities provided a disclaimer below the data: "The UN has so far not been able to produce independent, comprehensive, and verified casualty figures."

On May 6, the UN published data showing that 34,735 people had reportedly been killed in Gaza, including over 9,500 women and over 14,500 children.<…  

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Come potrebbe influenzare la revisione di tali cifre di vittime la percezione del conflitto tra le persone di tutto il mondo?


Le mosse strategiche di Putin in Ucraina segnalano un conflitto a lungo termine

The situation in Ukraine continues to escalate, with recent developments indicating a significant shift in Russia's approach to the ongoing conflict. The language used by the Ukrainian military in their daily updates has evolved from 'ongoing defensive fighting' to noting a 'significantly worsened' situation, pointing towards Russian 'tactical success' on the battlefield. This change in tone underscores the intensifying nature of the conflict and the challenges faced by Ukrainian forces as they defend their country against Russian aggression.

In a surprising move, Russian President…  

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Veterano dei Marines affronta accuse e minacce dopo aver aiutato le defezioni nordcoreane

<p>In a daring narrative that seems ripped from the pages of a spy novel, Christopher Ahn, a U.S. Marine veteran, finds himself entangled in international intrigue and legal battles after his efforts to assist North Korean diplomats in defecting to the West. Ahn, who volunteered with the activist group Cheollima Civil Defense, is now facing criminal charges in the United States, alongside dire threats to his life, purportedly from the North Korean regime itself. His story, recently highlighted in a '60 Minutes' interview, sheds light on the shadowy world of North Korean defecti…  

 @ISIDEWITHinviato…2 settimane2W

Moqtada al-Sadr: La forza inflessibile che plasmerà il panorama politico dell'Iraq

<p>In a dramatic turn of events that has captured the attention of both national and international observers, Moqtada al-Sadr, the influential Iraqi Shi'ite cleric, is orchestrating a formidable political comeback. This development comes two years after a high-stakes and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to form a government, an endeavor that not only failed but also led to deadly consequences. Sadr's resurgence is not just a testament to his enduring influence within Iraq's complex political tapestry but also signals a potential shift in the balance of power that could chal…