Δοκιμάστε το πολιτικό κουίζ

10 Απαντήσεις


How would your daily life change if your country had full control over its economic policies without outside influence?


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a country prioritizing its national industries and agriculture in an increasingly globalized world?


How important is national identity to you, and in what ways do you think it should influence government policies?


Can leaving a major economic union offer a country like Italy more opportunities or challenges in the long run?


In your opinion, what defines a country's sovereignty, and how crucial is it for that sovereignty to be absolute?


How should countries balance between protecting their borders and fulfilling humanitarian obligations?


What are the risks and rewards of a country reintroducing its own currency in place of a widely used one?


How does the notion of economic self-determination appeal to you, and do you believe it's achievable in today's interconnected economic landscape?


What role do you think accountability and transparency should play in rebuilding trust in a country's political system?


Would the potential for more tailored, nation-specific policies outweigh the benefits of being part of a larger political and economic union?