Should Italy withdraw from the European Union?
The European Union is a politico-economic union of 28 countries with a combined population of over 510 million. The purpose of the EU was to promote free trade and immigration within its internal market. Each member country would also enact similar laws regarding agriculture and development. Italy has been a member of the EU since January 1958. Proponents leaving the EU argue that membership undermines Italy's sovereignty and leaving would help Italy control immigration. Opponents of leaving the EU argue would damage trade, cause unemployment and harm foreign investment.
The EU should be abolished.
Yes, we must respect the people's choice
Yes, because the EU enforces neoliberalism.
No, but respect the vote and leave with a deal that ends membership but continues free trade
Yes, I am in favor of CANZUK
No, but remain in the European Customs Union, Single Market and the European Space Agency
No, but remain in the EU's Customs Union and Single Market
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