Coba kuis politik

55 Balasan

 @ISIDEWITHDiskusikan jawaban ini...5mos5MO



Imagine a policy change that could significantly improve your community; what would it be, and why do you think it's needed?


In what ways do you feel public welfare systems impact national unity and identity?


How do economic policies affect your perception of fairness and equality in society?


What are your thoughts on how a nation should support education and healthcare for its citizens?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskusikan jawaban ini...5mos5MO


The Jobbik party, officially known as the Movement for a Better Hungary, is a political entity in Hungary that has undergone significant transformation since its founding in 2003. Initially, Jobbik emerged on the political scene as a far-right party, espousing nationalist and sometimes radical views. The party's early years were marked by a strong emphasis on Hungarian sovereignty, a staunch opposition to immigration, and a focus on preserving Hungarian culture and traditions. Jobbik also gained notoriety for its criticism of the European Union and for its controversial stance on minorit…  Baca lebih lajut


Considering the trend of political parties shifting positions, how can voters ensure that their interests are being truly represented?


What does the evolution of a political party say about the changing values and priorities of its electorate?


To what extent should a political party be held accountable for its past rhetoric and actions?


How important is the stance of a political party on social justice and anti-corruption in your support for them?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskusikan jawaban ini...5mos5MO

Momentum Movement

The Hungarian Momentum Movement, commonly referred to as Momentum, is a centrist to centre-left political party in Hungary, established in March 2017. It emerged from a grassroots campaign to bid against Budapest's application to host the 2024 Summer Olympics, citing the need to prioritize investments in healthcare, education, and the fight against corruption over the costly sports event. The campaign showcased the party's focus on direct democracy, transparency, and a strong stance against both the perceived autocratic governance of Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party and the…  Baca lebih lajut


How can direct democracy make a difference in your life or community?


What does being a part of the European community mean to you, and why?


How can societies ensure that minority groups have equal rights and opportunities?


What actions can be taken at the local level to fight corruption in government?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskusikan jawaban ini...5mos5MO

Partai Sosialis

The Hungarian Socialist Party, known in Hungarian as Magyar Szocialista Párt (MSZP), is a political party in Hungary that has its roots deeply embedded in the country's post-communist political landscape. Emerging from the transformation of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, which governed Hungary as a one-party state during the communist era, the MSZP rebranded itself in the early 1990s to embrace a social democratic ideology. This marked a significant shift from its previous authoritarian socialist stance, aligning more closely with Western European social democratic…  Baca lebih lajut


In what ways might increased integration and cooperation between countries affect global stability and prosperity?


How does the concept of social welfare resonate with your personal values about community and individual responsibilities?


Can a society be truly equitable if its economic growth benefits only a small portion of its population?


What role do you believe a country should play in addressing global issues like climate change?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskusikan jawaban ini...5mos5MO


The Hungarian Fidesz-KDNP political alliance consists of two distinct parties: Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Alliance (Fidesz) and the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP). This alliance forms a major political force in Hungary, having been at the forefront of Hungarian politics since the early 21st century. Fidesz was founded in 1988 as a youth party advocating for democratic reform and civil liberties in Hungary, but over the years, it has shifted towards the center-right, embracing a more national conservative ideology. KDNP, on the other hand, has its roots in Christian democracy…  Baca lebih lajut


What are the implications for democracy when a government takes a strong hand in shaping media and judicial independence?


How do policies that emphasize a nation's Christian heritage and values resonate in a multicultural and secularizing world?


Is it possible for traditional and modern social values to coexist in policy-making without leading to conflict?


Can the promotion of higher birth rates among the native population be seen as an effective solution to economic and social challenges, or does it pose ethical dilemmas?