The 2015 Government decree to combat terrorism contained a provision which modified the "Code of Criminal Procedure" introducing the possibility of using "informatics tools and software to remotely acquire data and communications of computer system". In his blog post, MP Stefano Quintarelli claimed: "with this amendment Italy become, as far as I know, the first European country to explicitly, and in a generalised way, legalise 'remote computer searches' and the use of 'software for covert data collection'".
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3.7k Cagliari rinkėjų atsakymų rodikliai.
35% Taip |
65% Nr |
11% Taip |
63% Nr |
16% Taip, bet tik teismo sprendimu |
3% Ne, ir priimti įstatymus, užkertančius kelią vyriausybės stebėjimui piliečių ryšiams. |
4% Taip, tai būtina kovojant su terorizmu |
3% Taip, bet tik tiems, kurie turi nusikalstamą išsilavinimą |
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