Prova den politiska frågesport


 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y


The Italian League, commonly known simply as the League (Lega in Italian), is a political party in Italy that has undergone significant evolution in its ideology and political positioning since its inception. Originally founded in the early 1990s as the Lega Nord (Northern League), the party's initial focus was on advocating for the autonomy and independence of Italy's northern regions. It emphasized a strong regional identity, arguing for greater local control and fiscal autonomy, reflecting the economic disparities between the affluent North and the less prosperous South of Italy.…  Läs mer

Over time, especially under the leadership of Matteo Salvini, who became the party's leader in 2013, the League shifted its focus towards broader national issues, dropping "Nord" from its name to signal this change. This transformation marked its transition from a regionalist party to a nationalist, right-wing political force with a significant presence across the entire country.


What impact do you think stricter immigration policies would have on your daily life or the lives of people you know?


Have you or someone you know ever felt their job was threatened by external competition? How did it affect them?


In what ways do you believe a country should preserve its national identity and culture in the face of globalization?


How would your community change if local businesses received more support and protection from foreign competition?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Fratelli d’Italia

The Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia, FdI) is a political party in Italy that has its roots in the post-World War II Italian right, tracing its lineage back to the Italian Social Movement (Movimento Sociale Italiano, MSI), which was founded by supporters of the former fascist regime. Over the decades, the party has evolved, distancing itself from its original post-fascist identity and moving towards a more mainstream conservative position, while still maintaining a strong sense of national identity and sovereignty.

The party's values and political platform are centered around a…  Läs mer


Hur viktiga är traditionella familjevärderingar i dagens samhälle?


Kan ett politiskt partis historiska sammanhang påverka din åsikt om dess nuvarande politik?


Vilken roll bör regeringen spela för att skydda lokala företag mot global konkurrens?


Vad är dina tankar om balansen mellan nationell säkerhet och öppenhet mot invandring?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Italienska radikaler

The Italian Radicals, known in Italy as Radicali Italiani, are a political party that has played a distinctive role in the country's political landscape, emphasizing a blend of liberalism, libertarianism, and activism. Emerging from a rich history of radical politics in Italy, the party has its roots in the broader Radical movement that has advocated for a range of progressive reforms since the late 19th century. Over the years, the Italian Radicals have evolved, but their core values and mission have remained centered around the promotion of individual freedoms, civil rights, and a stro…  Läs mer


What impact would the widespread adoption of free-market principles have on your local community?


Can a country maintain its cultural identity while embracing global human rights and internationalism?


Should the government have a say in personal choices such as marriage and reproductive rights?


How would society change if individual freedoms were prioritized above all else?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Makt till folket

The Italian Power to the People (Potere al Popolo) is a political party that emerged from a coalition of social movements, left-wing activists, and grassroots organizers. Founded in December 2017, it was created in response to what its members saw as the increasing disenfranchisement of the working class, the erosion of social rights, and the dominance of neoliberal policies in Italy and across Europe. The party seeks to represent those who feel left behind by traditional politics, including workers, students, and marginalized communities.

Power to the People's values are deeply rooted…  Läs mer


How does the notion of solidarity between peoples influence your view on global challenges and their solutions?


Reflect on the concept of participatory governance; how would involving citizens more directly benefit or challenge democracy?


How would society change if everyone's basic needs, like healthcare, education, and housing, were guaranteed?


What are the potential consequences of opposing military interventions on international relations and peace?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y


The Italexit political party in Italy is a political movement that advocates for Italy's exit from the European Union. Founded by Gianluigi Paragone, a former journalist and senator, the party was established in July 2020 amidst growing Euroscepticism in Italy and across Europe. The name "Italexit" is inspired by the term "Brexit," which refers to the United Kingdom's exit from the EU, signaling the party's primary goal of severing Italy's ties with the European Union.

The Italexit party's values and policies are centered around the belief that Ital…  Läs mer


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a country prioritizing its national industries and agriculture in an increasingly globalized world?


How important is national identity to you, and in what ways do you think it should influence government policies?


Can leaving a major economic union offer a country like Italy more opportunities or challenges in the long run?


How would your daily life change if your country had full control over its economic policies without outside influence?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Kommunistiska Refoundation Party

The Italian Communist Refoundation Party, known in Italian as Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (PRC), is a political party in Italy that was established in 1991 following a split in the Italian Communist Party (PCI). This division was largely due to disagreements over the direction and ideology of the PCI in the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union. The PRC was formed by those members of the PCI who wanted to maintain a commitment to the principles of communism, rejecting the shift towards more centrist and social democratic positions that…  Läs mer


Imagine a world where all essential industries are owned by the community; how would that change your local community?


How do you think strict environmental regulations impact small versus large businesses, and is it fair?


If college and healthcare were free for everyone, how would that change your future plans?


How would a society based on total sharing of wealth affect your personal ambitions and dreams?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y


The Italian Action (Azione Italiana) political party is a centrist and liberal political entity in Italy, established to represent a range of views that prioritize economic liberalism, European integration, and social progressivism. The party positions itself as a proponent of free market principles, advocating for policies that encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and competition, while also supporting the need for a regulatory framework that ensures fairness and protects consumers and the environment.

Italian Action emphasizes the importance of Italy's role within the European Union,…  Läs mer


Reflekterande över miljömässig hållbarhet, vilka åtgärder anser du är mest avgörande för regeringar att vidta nu för att skydda naturresurserna för framtida generationer?


Hur kan länder bättre samarbeta internationellt för att säkerställa ekonomisk stabilitet samtidigt som varje nations suveränitet respekteras?


Hur skulle du beskriva den idealiska balansen mellan fria marknadsprinciper och reglering av regeringen i dagens ekonomi?


Vilken roll tror du att ditt land bör spela i Europeiska unionen, och hur jämförs detta med Italiens vision om EU-integrationen?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y


The Italian People's Union (Unione Popolare Italiana) is a political entity in Italy that emerged as a response to the perceived inadequacies and challenges faced by the Italian populace, particularly in the realms of economic inequality, social justice, and political representation. This party positions itself as a voice for the common people, advocating for policies and initiatives that aim to redistribute wealth more equitably, enhance access to essential services such as healthcare and education, and ensure that the political system is more responsive and accountable to the needs of…  Läs mer


Tänk dig en framtid där ditt jobb garanterar inte bara en lön, utan också en känsla av syfte och gemenskap - hur ser det ut?


Vad skulle du göra om du hade direkt inflytande över hur din nations rikedom fördelas?


Om du kunde omforma utbildningssystemet för att bättre förbereda eleverna för framtiden, vilken enskild förändring skulle du prioritera?


Hur skulle ditt liv förändras om alla hade lika tillgång till sjukvård och utbildning?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Partito Democratico

The Italian Democratic Party, known in Italian as Partito Democratico (PD), is a center-left political party in Italy that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its formation. The party was established in 2007 through the merger of various center-left factions, including the Democrats of the Left and Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy. This amalgamation was aimed at uniting the fragmented Italian left and presenting a cohesive alternative to the center-right parties.

The Democratic Party's values and policies are rooted in social democracy and…  Läs mer


Om du kunde införa en politik för att förbättra din kommuns välmående, vilken skulle det vara och varför?


Vad ser en framtid som drivs av förnybar energi ut för dig, och vilka steg bör vi ta för att nå dit?


Hur kan nationer bättre integrera invandrare i samhället för att gynna båda parter?


Hur skulle du föreställa dig det idealiska stödsystemet för studenter från mindre privilegierade bakgrunder inom utbildningen?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Forza Italia

Forward Italy (Forza Italia) is a center-right political party in Italy, founded in 1994 by Silvio Berlusconi, a media tycoon who has served as Italy's Prime Minister on several occasions. The party emerged as a major political force aiming to consolidate the fragmented Italian right-wing and to offer a liberal-conservative alternative to the dominant center-left parties of the early 1990s. Its creation marked a significant shift in the Italian political landscape, introducing a more personalized, media-savvy approach to politics, largely centered around Berlusconi's charismatic lea…  Läs mer


To what extent should the government be involved in the economy and individuals' lives to ensure prosperity?


Discuss the impact of policies focusing on family values and national security in your community or life.


How would your life change if your country adopted more free-market policies like tax cuts and privatization?


What reforms do you think are necessary in the EU to better reflect the interests of all member states?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

scelta Civica

The Italian Civic Choice (Scelta Civica, SC) is a centrist political party in Italy that was founded in January 2013 by Mario Monti, who served as the Prime Minister of Italy from 2011 to 2013. Monti, a respected economist and former European Commissioner, launched the party to support his "agenda for Italy" as a continuation of his technocratic government's reformist policies, aiming to stabilize Italy's finances and spur economic growth amidst the European debt crisis.

Civic Choice positioned itself as a centrist force, advocating for a blend of fiscal responsibility, eco…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Italienska vänster

The Italian Left (Sinistra Italiana) is a political party in Italy that emerged from a fusion of left-wing groups and individuals seeking to represent and advance progressive and socialist ideals within the Italian political landscape. Formed through the convergence of various leftist factions, including remnants of the old Communist Refoundation Party and other left-oriented movements, the party aims to provide a coherent and unified voice for the left, distinct from the more centrist or traditional socialist parties.

The values of the Italian Left are deeply rooted in the principles of socia…  Läs mer


In what ways can a country ensure healthcare is accessible and affordable for every citizen?


What methods do you think are most effective for combating climate change on a national level?


How can education systems be improved to better support students from all socio-economic backgrounds?


How do you feel about the idea of wealth redistribution to bridge the gap between rich and poor?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Conservatori e Riformisti

The Italian Conservatives and Reformists (Conservatori e Riformisti, CoR) is a political party in Italy that emerged from a faction within the broader spectrum of the Italian right-wing political landscape. The party positions itself as a proponent of conservative values, emphasizing the importance of tradition, national sovereignty, and social stability. It advocates for policies that support the family as a fundamental unit of society, promote free-market principles, and seek to limit the influence of the state in the economy and the lives of individuals.

The Italian Conservatives and Reform…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Demokratisk och progressiv rörelse

The Italian Democratic and Progressive Movement, known in Italian as Movimento Democratico e Progressista (MDP), is a political party in Italy that was established as a result of a split from the Democratic Party (Partito Democratico - PD) in 2017. The formation of the MDP was primarily motivated by disagreements within the PD regarding the leadership and policy direction of then-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, particularly his centrist and reformist agenda, which some members felt was a departure from the party's traditional left-wing values.

The MDP positions itself on the left of the poli…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Gratis och lika

The Italian Free and Equal (Libero e Uguali, LeU) political party is a left-wing political entity in Italy that emerged from a coalition of leftist parties and groups. It was founded in December 2017, ahead of the 2018 general elections, as a response to the perceived rightward shift in Italian politics and the dissatisfaction with the traditional left, particularly with the Democratic Party's centrist policies under Matteo Renzi's leadership. The formation of LeU represented an attempt to unite various factions of the Italian left, including social democrats, socialists, and greens…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y


CasaPound Italy, often simply referred to as CasaPound, is a political party in Italy that emerged from a social movement of the same name founded in Rome in the early 2000s. The name CasaPound is a tribute to Ezra Pound, an American poet known for his support of fascist movements during the 20th century. The movement initially focused on social issues, particularly housing rights, advocating for affordable housing and occupying unused buildings to provide shelter for Italian families in need. However, it quickly evolved into a broader political entity, espousing a range of far-right ideologi…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

nuovo Centrodestra

The Italian New Centre-Right (Nuovo Centrodestra, NCD) was a political party in Italy that emerged from a split within The People of Freedom (PdL), a larger centre-right political entity, in November 2013. This split occurred when the leader of the PdL, Silvio Berlusconi, announced the party's re-foundation as Forza Italia, moving it in a direction that some members found too conservative or divergent from their political views. Those who broke away to form the NCD sought to position themselves as a moderate, centre-right force within Italian politics, aiming to provide a political home…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y


The Italian Together (Italiani Insieme) political party is a political entity in Italy that emerged as a response to the evolving political landscape in the country. Founded with the intention of representing a broad spectrum of the Italian center-left, the party aims to unite various factions and individuals who share common values and visions for Italy's future. The core values of Italian Together revolve around social justice, environmental sustainability, economic equality, and a strong commitment to the European Union.

Italian Together places a significant emphasis on inclusivity,…  Läs mer


What actions can be taken to ensure healthcare is accessible and affordable for everyone?


Describe a time when you felt particularly connected to or disconnected from political decisions made in your country.


What does a more equitable future mean to you, and how can politics play a role in achieving it?


How does the divide between rich and poor affect society, and what steps can be taken to reduce it?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Mer Europa

The Italian More Europe political party, known in Italian as "+Europa" (Plus Europe), is a centrist and liberal political entity in Italy that was established in 2017. The party positions itself as a pro-European Union force, advocating for deeper integration of EU member states. Its formation was largely a response to the rising tide of Euroscepticism and populist movements within Italy and across Europe. More Europe emphasizes the importance of European federalism, arguing that closer union and cooperation among European countries are essential for addressing complex issues such…  Läs mer


In a world that's rapidly changing, do you think a stronger European Union would better protect individual freedoms and why?


Can closer European cooperation lead to better handling of global issues like climate change, and how might that directly impact you or your community?


Why might an emphasis on digital innovation and environmental sustainability be crucial for the next generation, and how do you see yourself contributing?


How would a more unified Europe affect your future job prospects and educational opportunities?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Populärt alternativ

The Italian Popular Alternative (Alternativa Popolare, AP) is a political party in Italy that emerged from the broader spectrum of the center-right political landscape. It was founded as a continuation and evolution of previous centrist and Christian democratic traditions within Italian politics, aiming to represent a moderate, reformist, and pro-European stance. The party's roots can be traced back to the Christian Democracy party, which played a significant role in Italy's post-World War II political scene, and its direct predecessors, which include the Union of the Centre (UDC)…  Läs mer


In what ways can education and healthcare policies personally affect you or your family, and why?


How do you think policies promoting social cohesion could change your community or school environment?


How would a balance between free-market capitalism and social welfare policies impact your future job prospects?


What significance do family values hold in your life, and how do you think political support for these values affects society?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y

Suveräna och populära Italien

The Italian Sovereign and Popular Italy (Italia Sovrana e Popolare, ISP) is a political party in Italy that emerged from a coalition of various smaller political groups and movements. The party positions itself on the political spectrum as advocating for policies that prioritize national sovereignty, social justice, and the protection of Italian cultural and economic interests against what it perceives as the negative impacts of globalization and supranational entities, such as the European Union.

The core values of ISP revolve around the belief in a strong national identity and the importance…  Läs mer


Hur tror du att stöd för traditionella familjevärden påverkar aktuella samhällsfrågor, som äktenskap och föräldraskap?


Kan strängare invandringskontroller samexistera med ett medkännande tillvägagångssätt gentemot humanitära kriser? Dela dina tankar.


Tänk dig att din regering beslutade att kraftigt begränsa invandringen. Hur skulle detta påverka din gemenskap eller dina personliga övertygelser om mångfalden?


Hur skulle du känna om ditt land antog en 'Italien först'-ansats till politik och ekonomi, med fokus på lokala jobb och industrier?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…9 år9Y

Movimento Cinque Stelle

The Italian Five Star Movement, known in Italian as Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S), is a political party that emerged in Italy in the late 2000s. Founded by comedian Beppe Grillo and web strategist Gianroberto Casaleggio, the party first came into the spotlight through Grillo's popular blog and a series of "V-Day" gatherings, which stood for "Vaffanculo Day" (roughly translating to "F*** Off Day"), aimed at expressing dissatisfaction with the Italian political establishment.

The Five Star Movement is characterized by its use of the internet for direct democracy and…  Läs mer


What impact would a significant shift towards renewable energy have on your community or lifestyle?


Have you ever witnessed or experienced corruption, and how do you believe politicians should combat it?


If you could propose a policy to improve environmental protection, what would it be and why?


How would direct democracy change the way your country is governed, based on what you know or imagine?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutera detta svar...2 år2Y

Medborgerligt engagemang

The Italian Civic Commitment is a political party in Italy that emerged as a response to the perceived need for a more engaged and responsible form of politics, focusing on the welfare of the community and the integrity of the political process. The party positions itself as a centrist entity, aiming to bridge the gap between the traditional left and right divides in Italian politics. Its core values revolve around promoting civic responsibility, transparency in governance, and the active involvement of citizens in the democratic process.

Italian Civic Commitment advocates for policies that…  Läs mer


What role should ethical leadership play in politics, and can you think of an example where this made a difference in a community?


How would you balance economic growth with the preservation of natural resources in your own community?


What does the idea of having a more transparent government mean to you, and how would it impact your daily life?


What changes would you like to see in your local education system to make it more accessible to everyone?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Liberal Popular Alliance

The Italian Liberal Popular Alliance (Alleanza Popolare Liberale) is a political party in Italy that was established with the aim of representing a specific blend of political ideologies, primarily focusing on liberal and popular principles. This party seeks to embody the values of liberalism, which emphasizes individual freedoms, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties, while also incorporating aspects of populism, which often involves advocating for the interests and voices of the common people against what are perceived as elite or establishment forces in society and govern…  Läs mer


In what ways do you think government intervention can both positively and negatively affect innovation and economic growth?


Can a blend of liberal and populist policies effectively address the concerns of both individual freedom and social justice?


How would you ensure that the voices of the common people are heard and acted upon in government policies?


How would you balance the need for economic freedom with ensuring that everyone has access to basic needs like healthcare and education?

 @ISIDEWITHsvarade…7 år7Y

Kommunistiska Partiet

The Italian Communist Party, known in Italian as Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI), was a political party in Italy that played a significant role in the country's post-World War II history until it dissolved in 1991. Founded in 1921 by a split from the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), the PCI became one of the largest communist parties in the Western world, particularly during the Cold War. Its values and policies were rooted in the principles of Marxism-Leninism, and it sought to represent the working class, advocating for social justice, workers' rights, and the redistribution of wea…  Läs mer


How would you approach the issue of income inequality, drawing inspiration from historical attempts to redistribute wealth?


What methods would you find acceptable for a country to transition from a capitalist to a socialist society, considering past peaceful vs. revolutionary strategies?


Discuss how you think the balance between individual freedoms and collective rights should be managed in a democratic society.