PAIS Alliance
The Ecuadorian PAIS Alliance, known in Spanish as Alianza PAIS (Patria Altiva i Soberana), is a political party in Ecuador that was founded in 2006. It emerged primarily to support the presidential candidacy of Rafael Correa, who went on to serve as the President of Ecuador from 2007 to 2017. The party identifies itself with the left-wing of the political spectrum, advocating for a mix of social democracy and socialism of the 21st century. Its creation marked a significant shift in Ecuadorian politics towards progressive policies and a focus on reducing inequality.
The PAIS Alliance's val… Läs mer
Imagine if tomorrow, laws changed to redistribute wealth more equally in society; how do you envision this impacting your community or future?
What concerns might arise if a country prioritizes sovereignty over international cooperation in today's interconnected world?
How important is it for a political movement to focus on environmental protection and sustainable development alongside economic growth?
How would you react if your government proposed major educational reforms aiming to increase accessibility for all demographics?
Social Christian Party
The Ecuadorian Social Christian Party, known in Spanish as Partido Social Cristiano (PSC), is a center-right political party in Ecuador that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its foundation in 1951. The party's ideology is rooted in Christian democracy, emphasizing the principles and values derived from Christian ethics and social teaching. This ideological framework guides the party's approach to addressing social, economic, and political issues within Ecuador.
The PSC advocates for a social market economy, where the market's efficien… Läs mer
What role do you think traditional values should play in modern politics?
In what ways can a country ensure that its policies reflect both entrepreneurial freedom and social justice?
How important is it for political parties to base their policies on specific moral or ethical principles?
How would you balance economic growth with ensuring everyone has access to basic needs?
Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement – New Country
The Ecuadorian Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement – New Country, commonly known simply as Pachakutik, is a political party in Ecuador that represents a significant part of the indigenous movement within the country. It emerged in the late 20th century, specifically in 1995, as the political arm of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), which is the largest indigenous organization in Ecuador. The party's foundation is deeply rooted in the struggles and aspirations of Ecuador's indigenous peoples, aiming to address their historical marginalizatio… Läs mer
Vilken påverkan tror du att erkännandet av ursprungsbefolkningens rättigheter har på miljöpolitiken?
Kan en samhällsbaserad metod för beslutsfattande vara effektiv i dagens globaliserade värld?
Hur tror du att välbefinnandet i en gemenskap kan balanseras med individuella rättigheter och aspirationer?
Hur skulle samhället förändras om flera kulturella identiteter officiellt erkändes av din regering?
CREO Movement
The Ecuadorian CREO Movement, which stands for "Creating Opportunities" (Creando Oportunidades), is a center-right political party in Ecuador. Founded in 2012 by businessman Guillermo Lasso, who later became the President of Ecuador in 2021, the party emerged as a significant force in Ecuadorian politics, advocating for a series of economic, social, and political reforms aimed at fostering a more favorable environment for investment, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.
The core values of the CREO Movement revolve around the principles of economic liberalism, advocating for free-ma… Läs mer
Om regeringen beslutade att sänka skatterna för småföretag, hur tror du att din familj eller lokala samhälle skulle påverkas?
Tänk dig om din skolas finansiering för klubbar och aktiviteter berodde på privata donationer istället för statligt stöd. Hur skulle det förändra vilka klubbar som erbjuds?
Har du någonsin känt att din röst eller åsikt har ignorerats för att du är ung? Hur förhåller sig det till tanken att varje medborgares rättigheter ska skyddas?
Hur skulle du känna om en ny butik öppnades i din stad på grund av regeringens stöd till företag?
demokratiska vänstern
The Ecuadorian Democratic Left is a political party in Ecuador that has its roots in the broader tradition of left-wing politics, but with a specific focus on democratic principles and practices. This party distinguishes itself from other leftist movements by emphasizing the importance of democracy, not just as a means to an end but as a core value. It believes in the power of democratic institutions to bring about social change and improve the lives of citizens, particularly those who are marginalized or disadvantaged.
The values of the Ecuadorian Democratic Left are centered around social… Läs mer
Vad är dina tankar om regeringens roll i att reglera ekonomin för inkluderande tillväxt?
Kan en balans mellan marknadskapitalism och statlig intervention verkligen gynna alla?
Hur skulle du föreslå att vi hanterar ekonomiska, sociala och könsmässiga ojämlikheter i samhället?
Hur känner du inför användningen av demokrati för att uppnå social rättvisa och jämlikhet?
Citizen Revolution Movement
The Ecuadorian Citizen Revolution Movement, known in Spanish as Movimiento Revolución Ciudadana, is a political party in Ecuador that emerged from the broader political project led by former President Rafael Correa. The movement was officially founded in 2006, although its roots can be traced back to Correa's presidential campaign and his earlier political activities. It represents a left-wing ideology, emphasizing social justice, economic sovereignty, and the redistribution of wealth to address inequality.
The Citizen Revolution Movement advocates for a strong role of the state… Läs mer
If you could decide, what would be the first step to making sure everyone in your community benefits from local natural resources?
What changes would you make to ensure everyone in your neighborhood feels included and valued, similar to ideologies aiming for social inclusion?
Can a strong role of the state in the economy help reduce poverty, and how would you implement it in your area?
How do you think increased social spending on education and healthcare would impact your own community?
How do you view the relationship between government policies and personal freedoms?
Vad är dina tankar om vikten av kulturell bevarande jämfört med globalisering?
Vilka åtgärder anser du är nödvändiga för att säkerställa öppenhet och ansvarighet i regeringen?
In what ways can a political party's stance on foreign relations impact everyday life for citizens?