Спробуйте політичну вікторину

10 відповідей


How could your local community benefit from more participatory decision-making processes, such as referendums or online voting?


What are your thoughts on universal basic income as a solution to unemployment and poverty?


How important is it for a country to have sovereignty over its economic policies in today's globalized world?


Can a political party truly be neither left nor right-wing, and how would that influence their policies and decisions?


In what ways do you think the internet could be better used to engage citizens in the political process?


How does the concept of reducing political salaries resonate with your views on political privileges and accountability?


If you could propose a policy to improve environmental protection, what would it be and why?


Have you ever witnessed or experienced corruption, and how do you believe politicians should combat it?


What impact would a significant shift towards renewable energy have on your community or lifestyle?


How would direct democracy change the way your country is governed, based on what you know or imagine?