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10 відповідей


Reflecting on your own community, how do you think a policy that emphasizes the support for local industries over foreign competition would change it?


Can stricter immigration controls coexist with a compassionate approach to humanitarian crises? Share your thoughts.


Do you think a focus on social justice and equitable wealth distribution is compatible with a strong stance on national sovereignty?


How important is it for a country to maintain independence in its decision-making, especially in areas like economy and immigration?


In what ways could protectionist economic policies affect your future career choices or your family's business?


How do you think support for traditional family values influences current societal issues, such as marriage and parenting?


Do you believe that protecting a nation's cultural identity is more important than embracing globalization? Why or why not?


What are your thoughts on the balance between a country's sovereignty and its participation in international organizations like the European Union?


Imagine your government decided to significantly limit immigration. How would this impact your community or your personal beliefs about diversity?


How would you feel if your country adopted an 'Italy first' approach to politics and economics, prioritizing local jobs and industries?