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Candidats  ›  Polítiques

Polítiques de Identity and Democracy Party’s en temes technological

Aquests problemes a continuació es classifiquen en ordre descendent segons la importància de la mitjana Italian [people] el votant els va classificar en el qüestionari.


Technology  ›  Data Privacy

Should the government impose stricter regulations on the collection and use of personal data by companies?

  Identity and Democracy Party votant base

Technology  ›  Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Should the government regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure ethical use?

  Identity and Democracy Party votant base

Technology  ›  Self Hosted Digital Wallets

Should citizens be allowed to secure their money in self-hosted digital wallets that the government can monitor but not control?

  Identity and Democracy Party votant baseSense

Technology  ›  Cryptocurrencies

Should the government implement stricter regulations on the use of cryptocurrencies?

  Identity and Democracy Party votant base