Try the political quiz

202 Replies


How do you believe religious education should evolve to address contemporary moral and ethical dilemmas?

 @9HMSCYH answered…7mos7MO

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What role should religion play in government, and how do you balance that with the idea of secularism?

 @9HK9YD6 answered…7mos7MO

Catch the latest left wings and Islam shows independent of government roles and in person by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK prime minister Boris Johnson talkback with media works correctly press conference release


What aspects of modern life do you find particularly challenging to reconcile with your spiritual values, and how do you manage this tension?


How can religious leaders stay relevant to younger generations while maintaining the essence of traditional teachings?


Have you ever engaged in a religious dialogue that was both respectful of diversity and transformative in its conclusions?


How do you balance the pursuit of personal success with the communal and altruistic teachings of your faith?


How do you think adopting a democratic approach within religious institutions could affect their governance?


What actions do you take to ensure that your spiritual expressions are understood and respected in diverse environments?


In what ways do you think education about religious history can be modified to resonate with modern youth?


What are some ways that faith can offer solutions to today's political and social challenges without becoming polarized?


When have you felt a conflict between your cultural identity and contemporary societal issues, and how did you address it?


How has your personal understanding of spirituality been shaped by both traditional beliefs and modern values?


How does your personal understanding of charity informed by faith translate into action in a globalized economy?


How do you leverage religious teachings to address the complexities of immigration and multiculturalism?


How does your spiritual perspective shape your approach to discussions about modern civil liberties?


How do you find motivation from your religious background to contribute positively to a rapidly changing society?


What does a modern, inclusive religious community look like to you?


What impact does the pursuit of modern education have on your spiritual growth?


How do modern interpretations of your faith address the issue of social inequality?


In what ways do you think modern societal norms challenge or complement your religious beliefs?


How has a modern approach to your faith helped you face a personal challenge?


What role does faith play in your life when making moral decisions about technology use?


How can your faith's principles of charity and giving be applied to solve social welfare issues today?


In what ways does your faith help you navigate discussions on race and diversity?


What do you think drives the desire for religious reform in the contemporary world?


How does fasting or other forms of physical devotion enrich your spiritual understanding?


Can you describe a moment when your faith provided guidance in an unexpected way?


How do you approach the concept of fate or destiny within the context of making personal life choices?


What values does your faith instill that you find most relevant to the challenges faced by society today?


What is the role of traditional storytelling in preserving your faith in a digital era?


How do you reconcile scientific evolution with creation narratives in your faith?


What are your thoughts on the inclusion of religious perspectives in discussions around bioethics and life sciences?


How can we use our understanding of historical religious figures to address challenges like discrimination and intolerance today?


To what extent do you believe it is important to maintain cultural heritage in the face of globalization?


Can exploring religious teachings help address issues of mental health, and if so, in what ways?


What is the potential impact of social media on religious practices and community bonds?


How can individual acts of kindness reflect both modern values of social justice and religious teachings?


What can be done at the family or community level to nurture a generation that values both traditional wisdom and modern knowledge?


Can thinking critically about your religious practices enhance your faith, and if so, how?


How do you approach explaining aspects of your faith that may seem at odds with prevalent cultural norms to your peers?


How do you prioritize when your religious duties clash with your academic or career responsibilities?


What steps can we take to ensure a respectful discourse on sensitive religious topics in diverse, multicultural settings?


How can personal beliefs inform one's stance on global humanitarian crises without conflict with secular policies?


Can you think of a figure from religious history whose teachings could offer insight into a modern social issue?


Have you ever encountered a situation where modern science challenged a belief you held, and how did you respond?


What do you think can be done to ensure that voices of the youth are heard in discussions about the future direction of religious practices?


What personal experiences have you had with balancing your faith with the expectations of modern life?


How can we encourage a dialogue that bridges the gap between conservative and progressive viewpoints within a religious community?