Try the political quiz

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What role do you think moral or spiritual guidance should play in driving social and political change?


Can a society truly achieve progress without addressing the needs of its most vulnerable members?


How has a personal belief or value motivated you to act towards social justice, even in small ways?


Reflecting on the concept that every person can make a difference, what small action have you taken or could take to bring about positive change in your community?


In a world that often emphasizes individual success, how do you personally find meaning in contributing to the well-being of others?


Have you ever felt moved by a particular social issue to take some form of action; what was it and what did you do?


In your life, how do you balance personal ambitions with the desire to help others?


What is one thing you think your generation is getting right about tackling social problems?


What would you do if you saw someone being overlooked or mistreated because of their background?


How do you define 'social change,' and can you be a part of it as a student?


When you think of 'the greater good,' what is the first example that comes to mind?


What is your most impactful memory involving community service or action?


When have you felt a meaningful connection to a larger cause, and how did you respond?


How does the concept of equality manifest in your day-to-day life?


When has a person's story about their struggles deeply impacted you?


What song, speech, or piece of art has changed the way you think about social activism?


What are some non-material ways that we can enrich each others' lives within our community?


What does it mean to have a 'voice' in society, and how can those with a platform best use it?


If you were to mentor a younger student, what social values would you want to pass on?


How would you express 'solidarity' with someone whose struggles are different from your own?


What kind of world do you dream of living in, and what do you see as your role in creating it?


When was the last time you saw someone make a sacrifice for the greater good, and how did it impact you?


What motivates you personally to take action when you see an issue of fairness or justice in your community?


If you could empower one group within your community with a stronger voice, who would it be and why?


What are the first steps you would suggest to someone looking to address inequity in their community?


What's the most difficult conversation you’ve had about social justice, and what did you learn from it?


How can acts of kindness in a school setting create ripple effects in the larger community?


What’s a personal triumph over adversity you've witnessed that has motivated you to support others?


How do you believe young people can effectively support each other in pursuit of a just society?


Can you share an experience where you've felt connected to a larger community seeking social or political change?


What is one belief you hold strongly about social justice that you would stand up for?


What actions do you think are most critical for creating a more equal and compassionate society?


How would our communities change if everyone actively fought against injustices they encountered?


How does your vision of a fair and just society differ from the world you see around you?


If you could start a grassroots movement, what would its primary goal be, and why?


How do acts of civil disobedience influence your perception of justice and equality?


In your opinion, what's the most underrated way to contribute to positive change in society?


In what ways can young people influence older generations regarding social issues?


If you had the power to solve one social issue overnight, what would it be, and why?


How does the phrase 'justice for all' translate into daily actions in your own environment?


How have your personal beliefs or experiences influenced the way you view helping others?


What are some ways in which empathy can lead to action against social injustices?


If you could volunteer for a cause close to your heart, what would it be and why?


What does the concept of 'solidarity' mean to you, and how have you practiced it?


How do you think your generation can contribute to a movement for social justice?


How does the idea of 'standing with the marginalized' resonate with your values?


What's one action you believe could make your school or community more inclusive?


How might storytelling and shared experiences empower communities to create change?


Have you ever felt a responsibility to help others less fortunate than you, and in what way?


Do you think that people with more resources have an obligation to assist those without; why or why not?