
Fratelli D'italia’s policies on foreign policy issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Italian [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


外交政策  ›  欧洲联盟


FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase不是,但严格限制迁移到该国,我们货币的捐款的条款重新谈判

外交政策  ›  Gaza ceasefire

Do you support the government calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  义务兵役


FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  United States of Europe

Should the EU evolve into the United States of Europe?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  Netanyahu Leadership

Should the government continue to support Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership of the Israeli government?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  外国选举


  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  乌克兰

Should the U.S. and NATO use military forces to defend Ukraine from a Russian invasion?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Ukraine and Nato

Should Ukraine join NATO?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  阿富汗

Should Italy pull all military troops out of Afghanistan?

  Party’s support base是的

外交政策  ›  军费支出


FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase增长

外交政策  ›  Taliban Financial Aid

Should the World Bank and International Monetary Fund provide financial aid to the Taliban government in Afghanistan?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  European Commission

Should the European Commission be dismantled?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine

Do you support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  Human Rights

Should the EU take a more active stance in foreign conflicts where human rights violations are reported?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  Israeli Palestinian Conflict

Which side of the Israeli Palestinian conflict do you sympathize with more?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbasePalestine

外交政策  ›  EU Authoritarian Sanctions

Should the EU sanction member countries with authoritarian governments?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  Ukrainian Defense Funding

Should Italy provide military supplies and funding to Ukraine?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbaseNo, we should not get involved in this conflict

外交政策  ›  Hong Kong Fugitive Extradition

Should the Chinese government be able to extradite fugitives from Hong Kong?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Central EU Agency

Should intelligence agencies be merged to create a central EU agency?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  外国援助


FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase减少

外交政策  ›  European Union Countries

Should the number of countries in the European Union be reduced to 15?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  Backstop

Should the U.K. and Northern Ireland remain in the EU’s customs area after Brexit?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  Post Brexit UK

Should the UK be allowed to access European Markets once they leave the EU?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  EU Army

Should the EU should form its own army independent of NATO?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  AI Warfare Ethics

Should the military use weapons guided by artificial intelligence?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  EU Expansion

Do you support further enlargement of the EU to include more countries from the Western Balkans?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase

外交政策  ›  Brexit

Should the EU work towards a closer relationship with the UK post-Brexit, including potential re-entry?

FD>FD  Fratelli D'italia voterbase