Try the political quiz

Forza Italia’s policies on economic issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Italian [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


the Economy  ›  Equal Pay

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?

  Party’s support baseYes

the Economy  ›  Youth Unemployment

Should the EU implement a union-wide policy to combat youth unemployment specifically?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the national minimum wage?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Domestic Jobs

Should the government provide tax incentives to private companies to keep jobs within the country?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Taxes

Should Italy raise taxes on the rich?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Four-day Workweek

Should Italy transition to a four-day workweek?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Government Pensions

Should pension payments be increased for retired government workers?

  Party’s support baseNo

the Economy  ›  Government Spending

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Inflation

Has the government done enough to lower inflation?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Church Tax

Should the church tax be abolished?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Universal Basic Income

Do you support a universal basic income program?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Inheritance Tax

Should the government abolish the inheritance tax?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Offshore Banking

Should Italian citizens be allowed to save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts?

  Party’s support baseYes

the Economy  ›  Public Sector Borrowing

Should the government reduce public sector borrowing?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Farm Subsidies

Should the EU subsidize farmers?

  Party’s support baseYes

the Economy  ›  Corporate Tax

Should the government raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseLower

the Economy  ›  Tariffs

Should the government add or increase tariffs on products imported into the country?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers

the Economy  ›  Welfare

Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseMore, and deny benefits to immigrants

the Economy  ›  Trade Ethics

Do you support the negotiation of trade agreements that include strict labor and environmental standards?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  EU Fiscal Integration

Should the EU adopt a shared fiscal policy and budget among member states to stabilize the economy?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Energy Independence

Should the EU prioritize achieving complete energy independence from non-EU countries?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Welfare Drug Testing

Should welfare recipients be tested for drugs?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Greece Bailout

Do you support the EU bailout of Greece?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Do you support the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  China Trade Rules

Should the EU impose strict trade rules on China in order to protect its economy?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Bonus Cap

Should bankers’ bonuses be capped at 100% of their pay?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  State Ownership

Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession?

  Party’s support baseYes

the Economy  ›  EU Tax

Do you believe there should be an EU-wide tax on financial transactions

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Corporate Taxation

Should there be a minimum corporate tax rate set across the EU to avoid tax competition between member states?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo

the Economy  ›  Surcharge Ban

Should the government ban surcharges tacked onto concert tickets, cable bills, banking services, hotel bookings and other purchases?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Single Digital Market

Should the EU prioritize the completion of a single digital market to ensure uniform access to digital services across all member states?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseYes

the Economy  ›  Decentralized Finance

Should the technology of our financial system transition to a decentralized protocol, that is not owned or controlled by any corporation, similar to the internet?

FI>FI  Forza Italia voterbaseNo