Abortion is a medical procedure resulting in the termination of a human pregnancy and death of a fetus. In Italy abortion is legal in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy as long as it is carried out in a hospital. To receive an abortion, women must meet certain criteria which include health, economic, social or family reasons.
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Life begins at conception. Abortion be illegal unless 5 medical professionals approve of the abortion or the mother's life is in danger.
Pro-choice, and the european laws about abortion satisfy my views.
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Pro-choice. Providing birth control, sex education and social services. Granting a health care system that really respects women's choices about interrupting their pregnancy. Liberty and freedom of choice is always the way.
Pro-life, but allow in cases of danger to health or death of the mother.
Pro-choice but advertising it should be illegal
Pro-life/ Choice, allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child. Stop abuse of system
I don't think that the government make abortion illegal every woman has a choice for there own body and what they want do with there body.
In my opinion im against abortions, because i feel like all children have the right to live, and in my opinion if you cant take care of it give it up for adoption, so someone who wants to take care of a child, can have the child in good care...
Pro-life but do not believe in state forced pregnancies. It should morally, socially unimaginable and utterly repundgent to have an abortion unless in cases of fatal danger to the mother and the child, the child has no one who wants to take care of them (only in criminal cases of rape, incest, or any illegal relationship)
Both, you can get an abortion but not after 6 weeks, when the baby is a real baby.
1. Pro-choice but ban after the first three months 2. One child policy if women are pregnant for a second time.
Pro-life, but if it is going to hurt the mother or kill the mother, then abortion is the best answer.
Pro-life, it should be decided at the state level
Pro-Life with an exception if the mothers life is in danger
It is not for the government to regulate or for one person to tell another.
Pro-choice, but the people having multiple abortions need to be penalized with fines and/or uterus removal. Only rape victims should be given a free pass.
Pro-choice, but also standing on Pro-life
If someone is at risk with their child, was raped, or some other reason like that then abortion is okay but getting an abortion just because you didn't plan on getting pregnant is not okay. But when it comes down to it, it is the women's choice and no one should take that right away. Women shouldn't be told what they can and can't do with their body.
Pro choice, for the women who were raped, but if women choose to have unprotected sex they should have responsibility.
Abortion should be illegal unless it is a rape victim.
If you are in a able financial situation where you can have that child do it, but if your not in a steady place to have a child don't because that child can suffer for your decisions
I am pro-life but it should be allowed to rape victims, incest before a certain time
yes but think before you do and then make the choice
Pro-choice, but ban after the third trimester for those states that allow it.
Pro-Life unless it is a medical danger to the mother/baby
Pro-Choice except in some cases
Pro-choice, but only until week 20 or so. (brain structures that support awareness show up around week 24.)
Pro-choice, until a little before the 2nd trimester. (organized neural activity)
Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months. Allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child. Also, I believe that providing birth control, sex education, and more social services is important and will help reduce the number of abortions.
Medically necessary in 3rd trimester
Pro-life from fertilization to natural death
Pro life, abortion is killing
Pro-life, abortion is killing.
Pro-life but if the mom doesn't want to keep the child, she should be allowed to set up the child for adoption.
It’s wrong and should count as murder
I don’t like the idea of it, but it is the choice of the parents, but they should have to pay for the abortion, etc
Only If they are under the age of 18.
Pro-choice, but strictly regulate to ensure there are no eugenics or late-term abortions.
Pro-life, but allow if pregnancy is a danger to the mother or child
Pro-life, but allow anti-conception acts in the first two weeks.
Pro-life, under no circumstances whatsoever should abortion be allowed, the penalty should be death for all involved
Pro-life, Required to be approved for abortion with the exception of rape, danger to the mother, incest, and accidentals as long as the abortion to an accident is within 3 months
Pro-choice, Required to be approved for abortion with the exception of rape, danger to the mother, incest, and accidentals as long as the abortion to an accident is within 3 months
Pro-life, but allow if pregnancy is a danger to the mother
Pro-Choice, I do believe that it is taking a life but it should still be allowed. It can drastically help many people. We should also make better education regarding sex-ed, birth control, safe sex, stds/stirs, and both control. We should also steer clear of abstinence based education and we shouldn’t ridicule premarital sex nor, sex lacking a romantic relationship.
I believe that the Government has no right to ban it. I also do not agree with the doing of abortion at all. So I believe the people of the state should vote on what.
Pro-life, but allow anti-conception acts in the 1st two weeks
Pro Life, but allow in cases of rape incest, or danger to the mother or child and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions.
It should also be banned after the first three months
Pro-choice, because it should be legal so it’s available as a safe last resort, however society should support and incentivise women to prioritise other forms of birth control.
Pro-choice, but only in certain cases including: 1) victims of sexual assault, rape, etc.; 2) when the woman's life or health is at risk, 3) fetal defects; and 4) for those who have financial issues. Also, access to birth control and comprehensive sex education should be available.
Pro-life, but allow via decision of the boyfriend, husband, father, mother, or church leader
Pro life but if the have been raped or they are to young then it’s there choice.
Pro-Life, and ban abortifacients, but the government should pay for non-abortifacient methods of birth control
Pro-life, but the mother should decide when they are under 18.
Pro-Life, but the government should pay for non-abortifacient methods of birth control
Pro-Life, but the government should pay for birth-control and the morning-after pill.
Pro-choice, but ban during the final trimester of pregnancy unless there is danger to the health of the mother or fetus
women get to choose what they do with their bodies.
Pro-choice but the father should have equal rights as long as the conception was consented on by both parties
I am pro choice, but i believe that rape victims and teens should be able to get them, but i believe that older women that are financially stable should not be able to, because there is birth control and protection.
Pro-choice but ban late term abortion and the government should not fund it
It should be allowed to whom ever wants to do it. Just because you won't do it has your personal choice does not mean you should take the choice from others that are not already.
Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to mother or child AND make the adoption process less expensive and more fluid.
Only before the babys first trimester but after 6 weeks it should be illegal and we should create more sex-ed and educate people more to prevent possible abortions
If the abortion is not justifiable then it shouldn’t be allowed.
I believe that women should have a choice but should remember that is a human being
Pro life, and life biologically starts at conception
Pro-life, but provide affordable contreception, and sex education that discusses abstinence as well as safe sex
Anti life because its basically murder
After three months it shouldn’t be acceptable
Do what you want with your baby
Yes, only if the decision is made before like 3 months of pregnancy.
I think that you shouldn’t get an abortion because you could just put it up for adoption without killing the child.
Pro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortion, but ban after the first three months.
Pro-life, but provide affordable and contraceptive birth control
I get that it's killing but that their body and they can do whatever they want with it but if you choose to get rid of the baby why have it in the first place?
Pro-life personally, I think that every life is important and should be protected, while encouraging better alternatives to abortion (e.g. access to birth control, comprehensive sex education, etc.). It should only be allowed in certain cases where the mother has been raped, or if the birth could prove fatal to the mother, or if the mother does drugs or smokes and drinks.
Pro-choice, but it should be legal only in certain cases including: 1) victims of rape/incest; 2) when the mother's life or health is at risk, 3) fetal defects; and 4) those who have socioeconomic problems. Also, access to birth control should be available, as well as the teaching of comprehensive sex education should be promoted in schools.
dont think that should be allowed
Pro-choice, but only in certain cases including: 1) victims of rape/incest; 2) when the mother's life or health is at risk, 3) fetal defects; and 4) those who are in poverty. Also, access to birth control and promotion of comprehensive sex education should be available.
The choice is up to the mother but I don't agree with abortion at all
I don't agree with it, but i think if a girl was raped or is to young for a kid should be able to abort it
Ognuno è libero di decidere per il proprio corpo e avere un aborto se lo ritiene necessario, sono contro l'aborto usato come contraccettivo.
pro-life ,but if you feel like you couldn't raise a child properly then don't
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